the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views.
1People by David A
April 8, 2023 I have an idea. Am wondering if this is a space where like minded people can join me for curiosity or support. The pitch: 1People…
Let Them Eat Cake! (and not Home-Grown Vegetables) by HFL Admin
April 4, 2023 By Jo Jorgensen As a gardener, I could not believe my ears when I heard that Gretchen Whitmer was telling Michiganders they couldn’t buy seeds…
Free Market Banking by HFL Admin
April 4, 2023 By Jeremy Baker The failure of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature bank, with the take-over by the FDIC, rocked the news and financial sector. The…
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